Hello, I'm Jim
I grew up in Florida but, wanting to experience more than one season during the year, I came north to Chapel Hill for college and graduated with a PhD degree in 1969. As someone with a background in psychology, I was fascinated in mind-body associations and how hypnosis might enhance mental and physical health but work and family obligations did not allow me to pursue that interest seriously. I was married with a child about to arrive and there was a need to earn a living as soon as my education was completed. I took my first academic position in Louisville, KY, then moved to Lexington, KY, followed by a move to Springfield, IL to teach in a medical school. From there we moved to Iowa City, IA, and I became a faculty member in a dental school. In 1985 I was recruited back to Chapel Hill and have been here now for more than thirty years as a Distinguished Professor at UNC School of Dentistry. Our family has continued to expand… and we have four sons and six grandchildren.
About fifteen years ago, I mistyped a search term on the computer and up popped “hypnosis.” I quickly realized the field had progressed greatly since I had last looked. After some home study, I undertook formal hypnosis training with the goal of helping people who feared the dentist and dental treatment. I have been in practice as a consulting hypnotist for over 13 years, mostly evenings and weekends.
- PhD (Social Epidemiology), MS (Epidemiology/Social Psychology), BS (Psychology)
- Certified Hypnotist, National Guild of Hypnotists, International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association
- Certificate in Pain Management, American School of Clinical Hypnosis International
- Certificate in Advanced Hypnosis, OMNI Hypnosis
- Certificate in Medical Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy for Health